Kathy Willis

Kathy Willis

Registered Agent Services

Registered Agent Services

aec7bbb305b75e8104e6fc51aaf56146_f34Hirst Applegate Registered Agent Services Inc.

Welcome to Hirst Applegate Registered Agent Services, your Wyoming Registered Agent. We provide reliable and quality registered agent services, allowing you to focus on what really matters, your business.

Our Services

  • Filing Documents with the Secretary of State
  • Reactivation of Dissolved Entities
  • Registered Agent Services

Wyoming Secretary of State

Contact Kathy Willis

Phone: (307) 632-0541
Fax: (307) 632-4999


Hirst Applegate Registered Agent Services, Inc. (HARAS) is a Wyoming corporation separate and apart from Hirst Applegate, LLP, a Wyoming limited liability partnership (HA,LLP).   HARAS offers registered agent services only, not legal services.  Any contact or relationship with HARAS does not create an attorney-client relationship with HA, LLP or any of its attorneys.  Legal advice cannot be provided to you through HARAS.  If you would like to consult with an attorney or obtain legal advice regarding a corporation, LLC, or business transaction, please contact an attorney with Hirst Applegate, LLP.